Spring Wakeup

A plate of fresh fruit, yogurt, and honey is a refreshing way to start your morning.

(Ingredients: pear + plain grass-fed yogurt + walnut pieces + wildflower honey + cinnamon) 

Starting from a small outside piece, slice a pear into medium/thin strips until you reach the core. Repeat on all sides. Arrange on plate. Put a spoonful of yogurt on each. Drizzle honey over all pieces. Breakup walnuts on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon. For extra color/flavor, add berries to your taste. Pairs well with black coffee.

Almond-Honey Oatmeal with Chia + Cinnamon

Almond-Honey Oatmeal with Chia & Cinnamon

  • 1/2 cup raw oats
  • 1 spoonful of chia seeds
  • 1 generous spoonful of almond butter
  • boiling water
  • Cinnamon, sprinkled to taste
  • Honey, drizzled to taste

1. Fill tea kettle w/ desired amount of water to boil. Add the oats, chia, & cinnamon to your bowl. Put the spoonful of almond butter on top.

2.  Pour boiling water into your bowl, directly on top of the almond butter, putting slightly more than you think you need as the oats will soak up plenty of it.

3. Give everything a good stir. Spread out the almond butter throughout. Drizzle honey atop to taste.

4. Time permitting, let the oatmeal sit for about 5 minutes to cool and set. Pair with a glass of water & hot coffee. 

Many mornings, I make oatmeal for breakfast. It's quick, tastes good, and is good for you. I find it enjoyable to experiment with many varieties, switching it up depending on what I'm in the mood for or what I find in the kitchen. Instead of buying instant oatmeal, I create my own oatmeal for a breakfast, low in sugar & high in protein + fiber. This is healthier, more cost effective, and overall lower waste than the processed/packaged type. 

To make this a regular go-to breakfast, keep a bin or raw oats on hand. The oatmeal-making process is very simple if you make it by the bowl rather than by the pot, adding boiling water to 1/2 cup of oats + whatever else makes its way into the bowl. 

Here's one of the basic recipe improvisations. More to come!